Earth Day

Today is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. It is in a unique moment where over 4 billion people around the world find themselves in a lockdown to combat the covid-19 pandemic. 

Ironically, in the global efforts to fight the crisis, the resulting shifts in transportation, industrial activity and consumer have led to a decline in carbon emissions. The looming and potentially more devastating crisis of climate change is one that needs to be dealt with in advance. 

In recognition of this threat, one of the themes of VeeKay's first jewellery design competition was environment. 7% of the net sales of the winning design will be contributed to the reforestation efforts of the International Tree Foundation


Tree is Life

The winning design was 'Tree is Life' by Rainier Arandia.

With covid-19 having halted our manufacturing, the release date of this piece along with our other winning designs is to be confirmed. You will be the first to know.

Meanwhile feel free to participate in our current competition which is running till the 30th of April.

For those of you interested in finding out more about Earth Day and thinking of ways in which you can contribute, you can visit their official website

Until then, I hope you stay safe, stay home. 

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